+91 (0) 98929 54402 / 88793 40329 mail@shalinigamre.com


Shalini Gamre is an Author in the Self Help genre on Amazon.  Her book ‘The Breakthrough’ is the story of Rea who embarked on an expedition of a lifetime, across the continent, in an unfamiliar terrain to repair her broken heart.  She is faced by challenges that tests her mental, emotional and spiritual being.  When the awareness of her own feelings a new found friendship and a head strong Coach, Rea is on a journey of rediscovering her potential.  A modern day story that has thrill, chemistry, suspense and inspiration.  

The book is available on Amazon.  To buy click here   

If not for Maya, Ishan would not have been alive. Life takes a turn when Ishan takes a route led by Maya from a crossroad of life he was standing at only to discover that many more even wiser souls were also standing at similar crossroads of their own lives.  An engaging tale that will drive you to look beyond the charades of events that encompass you every day.  This book will change perspective, realign ideas and perhaps even redirect your path….You ready?? This book is available on Amazon.  To buy click here